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We use a third party tool to retrieve the data to a file on the hard drive.  The data should be retrieved to a .csv or CRLF terminated text file.

Call Accounting Mate can then process the file using the "Port=File" option.

We recommend a third party application from Resource Software International Ltd. (RSI), a Cisco Technology Partner.   It is available for download upon request from us at


CAM allows to import SMDR/CDR data from an OS file automatically basing on schedule or event. To setup CAM to get data from an OS file you need to use Configuration/PBX Communication page and select File in the Port filed on the Port tab on the page. Below is description of various settings related to this function.

Configuration/PBX Communication page, Port tab, Port=File

To access fields/settings described below following steps are necessary:

open Configuration/PBX Communication page
activate Port tab
select File option in the Port combobox

Symbols with special meaning (jokers) that can be used in file masks

* = any sequence of symbols of any length
? = any single symbol
%yyyy = 4 digit year
%yy = 2 digit year
%mm = 2 digit month (includes zero...i.e. 09, 10)
%m = 1 or more digit month (i.e. 1, 9, 10)
%nnn = Month name (i.e. Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr)
%n = Month name (January, February, March)
%dd = 2 digit day
%d = 1 or more digit day
%d-1 = previous day (yesterday)
%ww = 2 digit week number
%w = 1 or more digit week number
%j = julian day number (i.e. 1-365)

For example file mask "SMDR (%yyyy-%mm-%dd).CSV" at 24 Oct 2005 will be expanded as "SMDR (2005-10-24).CSV", at 25 Oct 2005 it will be "SMDR (2005-10-25).CSV" and so on.

Here is a document describing how to connect to Avaya IP Office using TCP, Serial or File mechanism: to Avaya IP Office Connection.pdf

Call Accounting Mate was experiencing an error when an operator would attempt to enter a new PBX in the PBX Configuration section.   The application would flag a "syntax" error.

The problem has been resolved.  Simply install a later version of the software (available in our download section).

Call Accounting Mate version or later.

Here are instructions in detail:

If have not already done so, please order your software from the following link:

Install the software by following the online instructions. 

You will have up to 14 days to unlock and register your software.  Failure to unlock and register your software will cause the software to stop functioning after the 14 day grace period.

To unlock and register your software, simply log into Call Accounting Mate using the following default information.

User Name:   Administrator
Password:  null

1.  From the Web menu, Select Register 
     (or Update License if you are purchasing an upgrade to a larger system)

2.  Fill out the Registration form.
     a) Enter your full Company Name.
     b) Enter the Number of users you purchased (i.e. 25, 50,100,250). 
         If you purchased the unlimited version please enter 10000 users. 
         Please select the right size. It must match the size we have on file or the
         License Key will fail.
     c) Click the "Generate" button.
         A unique  Private Key will be generated. 
         Please cut and paste the Private Key (or manually type the key) 
         into an email to our support team at:

Product Activation and Registration:

In order to facilitate a rapid activation process, be sure to include your name, contact information, company name, product size and the Private Key.

3. Our technical support team will generate a unique License Key for you to enter into the License Key field.  We will email you the key.  Copy this information into the License Key field and click OK!

4. You are done.  Enjoy Call Accounting Mate!

Call Accounting Mate (as of version  is capable of allowing the user to configure an external program to run prior to parsing a file (using Port = File protocol).

Therefore, if you need to connect to a system that is proprietary or you need to pre-massage data before CAM is allowed to parse the data, you can configure an executable to run immediately before processing.


News from / Contact us Live
« on: November 02, 2005, 10:07:40 AM »
At we are making every effort to answer your questions.

We have now added 2 new features that will instantly give you access to one of our representatives.

Our new MSN contact is:

and we have added Live Help to our website.

Check it out.

Call Accounting Mate Q&A / Re: Siemens ISDX_L
« on: November 02, 2005, 08:23:25 AM »
CAM now supports this format.  Send us a sample of your data and we will send you a fix.

Call Accounting Mate comes with a 14 day grace period.  The software will be locked unless you register within that timeframe.

For more information on how to unlock and register your product visit:
Call Accounting Mate Q&A / Re: Freeware or do i have to pay ??
« on: June 01, 2005, 12:02:25 AM »
Call Accounting Mate is not a freeware therefore you need to pay for it after the 14 days evaluation period. Payments can be
made using any major credit card and the prices can be reviewed at

*** NOTE:  CAM now recommends connectivity to Asterisk using ODBC.  You can find step by step instructions in our CAM Startup and Installation Guide available in our download page ****

This  post  contains instructions on how to interface the CDR of Asterisk with Call Accounting
Mate. It is assumed that you are familiar with Asterisk and Linux in general. You should also have
a Windows machine already installed with Call Accounting Mate. You can download the latest copy of
Call Accounting Mate from .

To enable Asterisk to be used with Call Accounting Mate an Asterisk module needs to be loaded on the
Asterisk server. Call Accounting Mate ships with the module source files needed to create the Asterisk
loadable module. It also contains the Red Hat binary module in compiled form. If you are not using Red Hat,
you need to follow steps 1-11 below. If you are using Red Hat, you can skip the compile process and
follow steps 5 - 11. The asterisk files are located in c:\bill\asterisk where you installed the Call Accounting
mate. The files contained in this directory are :
   cdr.conf            - configuration file for Asterisk CDR
   cdr_camate       - The source code file
   Makefile            -   - Asterisk loadable module for Red Hat. You may need to recompile (below 1-5) if you
                            are not using Red Hat.

1. You must have gcc installed on the asterisk machine. To check if GCC is installed, type the follwing
   in command line

         > gcc -v
   You will get version of software or error if the software is not installed.

2. Copy all the files from c:\bill\asterisk on the Call Accounting Mate machine to any directory on your
    Asterisk server.

3. Compile the source. Change to the directory (chdir) where you unziped the module files and type gmake. To
    compile, type gmake :

   > gmake

4. You should now have a file called created in the same directory. This is the Asterisk loadable
5. Open asterisk.conf file. This file is located either in  /etc/asterisk/ or in  /usr/local/etc/asterisk/
    Locate the line with a path to astmoddir. The line should be similar to below :

   astmoddir => /usr/local/lib/asterisk/modules

   Remember the value of astmoddir parameter. It is a file path where all Asterisk loadable modules are located.

6. Copy to that path.

7. Open file modules.conf in same directory where asterisk.conf is (usually /etc/asterisk).

    Find a section [modules] and add following string to the end of section.

    load =>
    This loads the Call Accounting Mate CDR module the next time Asterisk starts.

8. Copy cdr.conf to the directory that contains asterisk.conf (usually /etc/asterisk).

   Open the file and change values of hostname and port parameters to point to your CAM software.
   Hostname is either the computer name which can be resolved to an ip address or the ip address of the computer
   running the Call Accounting Mate. Port is the port on which Call Accounting Mate is running. To check the port
   that Call Accounting Mate is running on, access the Call Accounting Mate interface and click on
   Configuration --> Web Config. You should see the value under the "Port".

9. Stop and Start Asterisk. Try making a call using the Asterisk system. Once the call is completed,
    you should see the CDR data in Call Accounting Mate.

10. To check if CDR is received by Call Accounting Mate, Select Views --> Live --> Raw function in Call
     Accounting Mate. If you see the CDR, the connection between Call Accounting Mate and Asterisk is complete.

11. On Call Accounting Mate, you need to specify the correct driver to be used. Select
     Configuration --> Pbx Communication. Add a new PBX ID. PBX Name and description can be anything. Select
     Port tab, set the port to "Asterisk". Now select the driver tab and set the PBX driver to Asterisk.
     This enables the right parser to be loaded in Call Accounting Mate. The parser is used to interpret or map
     the Asterisk CDR to the correct Call Accounting Mate fields.

If you face any problems, start another thread with the description of your problem.

Asterisk Integration / Introduction / Please read
« on: April 07, 2005, 08:04:39 AM »
Thank you for interest in Call Accounting Mate. Today (7th April 2005) we have released the 1st beta of Asterisk interface for Call Accounting Mate. As Asterisk users ourselves (we use Asterisk exclusively in the office  ;D ), we are very excited with this release.

We encourage users to try the 1st beta and send their feedback to or write in this forum. The developers are available directly in this forum for answers. For further information on the actual intergration, please check .

Call Accounting Mate Q&A / Explanation of Settings ---> Department/Users
« on: January 28, 2005, 07:55:54 PM »
This screen allows the following functions to be defined :

1. Departments within the company
2. Extension User - Each telephone user within the company and the department the user belongs to.
3. Which security accounts (i.e CAM users) have access to data for which departments.

Each of the functions are explained below :

Call Accounting Mate allows the various departments and the telephone users who belong to those departments. This information in turn can be used to print summary reports for each department. For example, if you have a sales department, you may at the end of the month want to print the number of calls the department made and received. This can be further broken down to details of the number of calls each telephone user made/received within the sales department.

Extension User
Each telephone user that you want to track would be defined. Users cannot exist outside a department and therefore it is necessary to create departments before entering any user information. Each user field is explained below :

A. User Name
This is the name of the extension user. This name is used in the reports each time the extension number making the call matches.

B. Extension
This is the user's telephone extension number.

C. Alternate extension
In some cases, the telephone equipment may report a different extension from what was actually used to dial. This can happen on certain telephone systems when extension numbers have been changed (due to shifting, relocation, mapping, etc) but the PBX still reports the old extension number in the smdr output. In those cases, you can key in the old extension number in this field. By default, the alternate extension number is always the same as the extension no.

D. Account Code
Instead of extension numbers, account code may used in some offices to identify the user making the call. This can happen when users are allowed to make calls from any extension but costs still need to be allocated to specific users. In this case, the PBX allows the account code to be entered on the extension before a call can be placed. Each user uses his own account code to make calls.

In some offices account code is used not to identify the user making the call but the party being called. Some trades like lawyers  may charge for the time spent on a client case and before making any calls to/for that client, they would key in the account code assigned to that client. This in turn is captured by CAM which can then be used for reporting the amount of time spent for that client. If you do not use account code in your industry, leave this field blank.

.... to be continued ....

Call Accounting Mate stores all of the call accounting data in calls.dat and all configuration in bill.ini. In an event of a hardware failure or OS crash, you need to recover these 2 files from the old system. CAM can then be installed in a new system and these 2 files copied to the directory of the new PC where CAM is installed.

In the case of calls.dat file being damaged, we have developed a recovery utility. It tries to recover damaged calls.dat file automatically and/or send user data and log files to developers for further analysis and recovery procedures. The utility is available for download from .
Call Accounting Mate Q&A / Explaination of Views --> Live
« on: January 20, 2005, 09:48:51 PM »
Live views (accessed using Views --> Live function) are meant to show all the data that is coming into the CAM server from the PBX. Views are broken down into Raw View and Calls View. Each of them is explained below :

1. Raw View
This view shows all the data which is being sent by your telephone system. This is completely unprocessed data as it comes in. Often it is useful when installing CAM to use this view to make sure that the communication between CAM and the telephone equipment is working. If there is no data displayed here, it is possible that your communication parameters may be wrong.

Raw view also contains the state of each record. A + sign indicates that the parser has understood the record and it has been processed whereas a - sign indicates that the parser has ignored the record. The CAM parser can ignore the record for reasons such as the record being just header informaton which should not be added to the database. An example of such a header as below which is just pure information as far as the parser is concerned :

  Date Time T Ext CO Dial Number Ring Duration Acct code CC     

The parser can also ignore records when it does not understand the record. This can happen if you are not using the correct parser under the PBX configuration or if the parser does not completely implement your PBX functions. For example, some PBX may send the start and end of each call as 2 or 3 different records whereas CAM may only need to understand the last record to know the start and end times of a call.

2. Live View

This function allows you to view all calls that are parsed by the system. It refreshes itself every 5 seconds automatically and all new calls are reflected here. Live view is very useful when you know that calls are being parsed by the system but want to make sure all the fields such as telephone no, extensions numbers, duration, etc are being correctly populated to the CAM database.

This view contains the date / Line No (CO) / User / Extension / Duration / Region  / Number / Cost and Type. It can also be used to make sure that the costs for each calls are being calculated correctly.

Each user who wants to log on to Call Accounting Mate needs a security account. These users are different from the telephone or extension users. Each security account can further be divided into either administrators who have full rights to all parts of the system or users who have rights to only print reports and cannot add/change/delete anything on the CAM server.All usernames and passwords specified here are case sensitive.
Call Accounting Mate Q&A / Configuration --> PBX Communications
« on: January 17, 2005, 09:52:08 AM »
PBX communications is the most important part of CAM and is specifies the way the software communicates with the your telephone hardware. Each Tab is explained in detail below :

Common Tab
This tab is used just to specify an identity to the PBX that you are going to configure. Since CAM supports data from multiple comm ports and telephone equipment simultaniously, each PBX or phone system needs to have an identy.

1. PBX ID - Use the drop down box to select <New> to specify a new PBX. If you have previously configured any other identy, the identy will be listed in the drop down box. Selecting a previously configured identity populates the other tabs such as Port, Driver and Properties accordingly.

If a <New> PBX ID is selected, you also need to specify a PBX Name and description to it.

PBX Name - This can by any name that you specify. It is only symbolic and used only for display purposes. Therefore it can be anything that helps you to identify the PBX easily.

Description - This field is also symbolic and is not used for any purpose except for display on the screen. It can also be left blank.

2. Port Tab
This tab is used to specify the parameters used to connect to your telephone system. Please note that you need to fill the Common tab before continuing with this tab. All the fields on this screen should be provided by your telephone vendor. Your telephone equipment should already to connected to the PC running CAM using a serial cable and the call accounting function of the telephone system turned on.

3. Driver Tab
This tab is used to specify the SMDR parser that is used to parse or understand the records that are being sent from your telephone equipment. Each telephone equipment has its own format. We have the most common PBXs listed here. Should you encounter a situation where your telephone equipment is not listed, please follow the following on requesting a driver to be built for your equipment.

PBX driver - Please specify the telehone equipment that you own in this field from the dropdown box.

Driver description - This is a non editable field giving further information on the PBX driver selected.

Duration correction (sec.) - This is the number of seconds to reduce from the duration of the call as each call is sent from the telephone equipment to the CAM system. If for example, you specify 10 in the field, here and a SMDR record is sent from the PBX to CAM with a duration of 00:03:45 (three minutes and fourty five seconds), the system would deduct 10 seconds from the SMDR record when calculating the cost for the call. The primary reason why this parameter exists is that on some older networks with no line reversal signal, the PBX may start recording the duration of the call even before the call is actually picked up by the remote party. This may include call ringing, call transfer tones, etc which are played on the phone even before the remote party has actually picked up the call.

4. Properties Tab
This tab may or may not contain anything in it. On some telephone equipment, it is possible to specify additional parameters to fine tune the CAM recording functions and differs from equipment to equipment.
Call Accounting Mate Q&A / Configuration --> Web Config
« on: January 16, 2005, 02:30:29 AM »
The Web config function is used to specify the port number, path and email settings to be used for emailing of reports. Each tab is explained in detail below :


1. Port - This is the port that CAM server runs on. By default it selects the random free port. However, you should change this to port 80 if there is no other web server running on the machine where the CAM server is running. If a value is not specified here you may notice that the port number used to access CAM keeps on changing. Therefore we suggest that you always specify a value here. The valid port is between 80 - 6400.

If you specify the value 8080 here and assuming the IP address of the PC running the CAM server is, you can access the CAM server using the browser and keying in The CAM server can be accessed on the LAN or on the local host using the same URL.

Assuming the IP address of the machine running CAM is, below are some examples if the ports are changed :
Port      URL used to access CAM

2. Root folder - This is the path where the CAM html files reside. By default it is C:/Bill/HTML and it should not be changed unless you have manually moved the files to another location.

3. Enable logging - If this option is ticked, all sessions are logged under Log Files --> Web. Each IP used to access the CAM is recorded with the actions that were taken. By default it is left unticked as each login can potentially generate a lot of logging.

Email Settings Tab
This tab is used to specify the email address used to send emails using CAM. CAM can generate automatic reports periodically to be sent to a group of people. For example, you may want a report to be automatically emailed by CAM to all the department heads each day end with the activity for their department. Or you may wish an email to be automatically generated when a black listed numbers (e.g. ex employees, competitors, etc) or 911 is called from the office. If you do not intend to use the auto email functions of CAM, you can leave the following fields empty.

1. SMTP Server Name - This is the name or IP address of your SMTP server. The server specified here will be used to send all emails generated by CAM.

2.From (Email Address) - This is the mail address of the mail account sending the email. It is recommended to fill this field with some real mail address because some SMTP servers perform address checking and will not accept invalid or not-existing address. In combination with the field above this field forms fully qualified From address that will be placed in From field of the auto generated email. For example, the fully qualified address could be "Friendly Name" <>. In this example the From (Friendly Name) field contains Friendly Name and the From (Email Address) field contains

3.To (Friendly Name) - This is the friendly name of CAM administrator account. This account serves two purposes. At first, this account will be used to test parameters of mail subsystem. And second purpose is when there are no accounts assigned to certain auto generated report task then this account will be used to send mail for that task.

4. To (Email Address) - This is the mail address of CAM administrator account. In combination with the field above this field forms fully qualified mail address of CAM administrator. For example, the fully qualified address could be "Friendly Name" <>. In this example the To (Friendly Name) field contains Friendly Name and the To (Email Address) field contains

5. Logging Level - This field defines detailing level for mail events to be logged to Report Alerts Log. This field affects amount of text conversation between CAM and SMTP server to be placed in Report Alerts Log for a mail event.

6. Log successful events - If this field is No then there is no conversation between CAM and SMTP server to be placed in Report Alerts Log for successful mail events, if Yes then for every mail event there will be conversation between CAM mail subsystem and SMTP server in Report Alerts Log.

7. Save&Test - This button is used to save parameters and send test mail to administrator's account.

8. Ok - You can use Ok button to bypass sending test mail and save mail subsystem parameters. This can be useful if, for example, you leave administrator's address empty.

SMTP Auth Tab
This tab is used to configure SMTP authentication. Different SMTP servers use different approaches to authenticate users before accepting an e-mail to be delivered. This tab contains various settings allowing to configure CAM to communicate to any type of SMTP server.

After entering a password in any password field on this page CAM will prompt you to confirm the password. Password and it's confirmation must be identical otherwise CAM will clear entered password and you will have to enter it again.

CAM never places stored passwords on the page. This is because of that HTML page is not a secure place to place passwords. Password fields on the page is used only to enter passwords. After a password has been stored inside the system it will never be displayed in a field on the page. Thus to keep existing password unchanged just leave the field empty and to change an existing password type new password in the corresponding field on the page.

1. SMTP Authentication - This section contains user name and password allowing CAM to authenticate itself on servers requiring SMTP Authentication. To enable this method of authentication mark Use Authentication field in this section.

2. POP before SMTP - Some SMTP servers require an user to check mail before submitting a new e-mail to send. This procedure is referred to as POP before SMTP, because POP protocol is used for mail checking. This section allows you to configure CAM to check mail before sending report or event alert and thus authenticate itself using POP before SMTP approach. To enable this authentication method mark Use POP before SMTP field in this section.
Please note : This FAQ is only applicable to versions and below. Version onwards have Windows Service support built in and this document is not applicable.

To run CAM as a Windows service, you need to download the CAM servicer add-on by clicking at
To install the add-in on your system and run CAM as service you need to do following steps:
1. Use Windows administrator's security account to log into your system
2. Stop Call Accounting Mate if it's running
3. Run setupcamsrv.exe that you've downloaded
4. Installer will prompt you to permit it to modify your registry, click 'Yes' to allow installer to register the service
5. Now you can run Call Accounting Mate as either application or service. Name of installed service is CAM.
To run Call Accounting Mate as application:
- activate it's link in Windows Start menu
- or alternatively run c:\bill\bill.exe
To run Call Accounting Mate as service:
- use Control Panel Services applet to start CAM service
- or aternatively type 'net start CAM' in command prompt
To stop Call Accounting Mate service:
- use Control Panel Services applet to stop CAM service
- or aternatively type 'net stop CAM' in command prompt
IMPORTANT! When Call Accounting Mate is running as service there will be no telephone icon in system tray and browser
will not start automatically. You'll have to run browser and type address of Call Accounting Mate site manually.

To connect to Call Accounting Mate site when running it as service:
- check C:\Bill\weblog.txt to determite network port, which system listens on
- start browser
- type Call Accounting Mate site URL in browser address field manually; address format is as follows: http://localhost:<port>, where <port> is placeholder for the value you'll see in weblog.txt file

This page contains all the common parameters that need to be set up for CAM to work correctly. Each parameter is explained in detail below :

Under Type Tab
1. Row number per page for online views - This option lets you specify the number of rows of data you want to view per page and is used only for onscreen views.

2. Date format - Specify if you want to view dates in the mm/dd/yy format or dd/mm/yy format. This parameter is applicable to all onscreen views and reports.

3. Time format - Specify if you want to view the dates in 24 hour format or AM/PM format. This parameter is applicable to all onscreen views and reports.

4. Display seconds in time - Sometimes it is useful to display the duration of the call / the time the call was made in seconds. If you need this feature, you can turn it on. But most times, we recommend that you leave this feature off as most commercial applications of CAM do not need to track upto seconds.

5. Compress PDF reports - When generating large reports in pdf format, the file may take some time to load. CAM has a built in feature to compress PDF files before sending it over the network to conserve bandwidth. By default this option is turned on. If you have older versions of pdf reader which do not support compressed pdf files, either upgrade to a later version or turn off this feature in CAM.

Startup Tab
This tab is used to specify under what context the system runs.

1. Run at system strartup - If you want to run the CAM server when the system is restarted or booted, check on this option. If you check this option, you also need to specify the context or the startup account that will be used to run the CAM server. Note that CAM does not run as a Windows service even if you check this box. Depending on the option selected under startup account, that user needs to be logged on to Windows for CAM to start.

2. If you want to make CAM a Windows service, please read the following FAQ

3. Startup account - Specify the user context that the CAM server should run under. In most cases, leave it to all users so the system starts when any user logs on.

4. Automatically run browser - If this checkbox is ticked, after CAM server starts, it will automatically start the browser session on the machine CAM is running with the login screen. If you want CAM server to run but do not want the browser screen to be opened automatically, uncheck this option and access the CAM login screen by double clicking on the telephone icon on the taskbar to open the browser.

This feature is not activated at the moment. These parameters may be used in the future so no changes are required here.

This tab is used primarily to enable auto backup of the CAM configuration files and calls database periodically.

1. Autobackup Enabled - Check this box to enable or auto backup.

2. Backup Period - The parameter here is defined in days. This is the frequency of the backup. For example if you specify 2 days, the entire database of CAM will be backed up every 2 days.

3. Backup Folder - This is the location where periodic backups are to be stored. Each backup is stored as a  single proprietary file. You can restore this file using the Maintenance --> Restore Database function. You can also view a list of all the backups made so far by the system using this function.

Local Tab
This tab is used to change the currency and the position of the currency as displayed on screen and reports.

1. Currency Symbol - Enter the currency symbol used in your country. By default this is the dollar sign ($).

2. Currency Symbol Position - Specifies where you want the symbol to be displayed eg. $100 or 100$.

Charge Tab

1. Call Surcharge - If a value is entered here, each call cost calculated by the system is increased by this % as a call surcharge. This
feature is used mainly by IDD telephone booths. By detault it is set to 0%.

Call Accounting Mate Q&A / How to use / customize online views.
« on: December 08, 2004, 12:48:40 PM »
Onlines can be used to display only the data that you are most interested in. It can be used to filter data that is displayed in many differnt ways. Click on the link below for an example of how to make a custom online view. To Use Online Views.mht
CAM has a built in feature to email reports or alerts perodically. This feature is useful when you want to send reports or alerts via email without logging on to CAM. It can email the reports to as many recipients as you want. The task scheduler can also be used to alert you of when certain telephone numbers are called or are calling. This is usefull for certain blacklisted numbers such as ex eployees, competitors, 911, toll numbers, etc.

To leave how to use the task scheduler, please click on the link below : To Use Task Scheduler.mht

Call Accounting Mate Q&A / Extension of trial period
« on: December 07, 2004, 03:36:18 PM »
We allow evaluation of Call Accounting Mate for 14 days by default. During these 14 days, no feature of CAM is disabled i.e you can try the software completely.

However there may be times when you are not able to set up the system during the trial period (remember when you are too busy with something esle that always needs to be done first). Or maybe you are just waiting for the SMDR cable while CAM sits there ticking away? In cases like these, we will extend the trial of CAM for an additional 14 days, making the total 28 days. To
request for an extension of the trial please email with the reason that you need the extension.
Call Accounting Mate Q&A / How to request for a development of a parser
« on: December 07, 2004, 10:54:06 AM »
To develop a new parser for your PBX, we need to have the SMDR or call samples that are produced from your equipment.
You can either email this information to or send us an automated email from within

To send us the files manually:

The necessary files are:

These files can be created by downloading CAM and using the default image parser  "Data Collection Driver.js".   Please allow your system to store a number of calls before emailing the parser request.   You can email us at


To send the data/log from within CAM, please read the following document : to make request for dirver.mht

If you have any problems, please contact
Installing a new driver is very easy.

Click on the link below for an instructions of how to install a new driver or new version of existing driver from our support website. To Install A New Driver From Support Web Site.mht

If you have any problems, please contact
Call Accounting Mate Q&A / Migrating CAM to a different machine
« on: December 07, 2004, 09:18:52 AM »
To migrate CAM to another computer, please follow the steps below :

1. Download and install CAM on the new computer. Do not launch the newly installed copy of the system.
2. Copy following files from c:\bill folder of the old CAM computer to the folder c:\bill of new computer:
  - calls.dat
  - bill.ini
  - smdrlog.txt
  When asked if you want to replace the existing file with the same name, answer yes. Make sure that CAM is not running on the new computer when copying the file over.
3. Run CAM on the new computer.

By copying the above files all your settings, extensions, calls and other data is also copied over. CAM will now run on a 14 days trial. If you are a registered CAM user, you will need to obtain a new key by emailing . You will also need to attach the old public key which can be found by clicking Web --> Register.

Please note there is a $25.00 Administration fee for obtaining a new license key.
With Call Accounting Mate V2.6.1.31 onwards, it is possible to specify a COMM port other than what is listed in the drop down list box. Select Configuration --> PBX Settings. Under the ports tab, drop down the COMM port list and select 'other'. You will now
be allowed to fill the COMM port with any setting that you wish.

Call Accounting Mate uses port 80 by default. However, if port 80 is occupied by another application such as IIS or other webserver, it defaults to a random port. Each time it runs, the same port or a  new port number might be assigned to it. To fix the port number just select Configuration  --> Web Config. Under the port select the port which you want to run CAM on. Make sure that the port is not already occupied by another application, otherwise the port number will again be automatically selected by CAM.

keyword : port number, port no. random port
Call Accounting Mate Q&A / Importing contacts - Format of ASCII file
« on: September 30, 2004, 07:41:19 AM »
Call Accounting Mate V and above have a feature to allow external text files to be imported into the built in contacts database. This way, it is possible to import large number of contacts without having to key them in. The format of the text file is as follows :


An example of the text file

David Cothard,71812342232,7186840383,7186585403
Eric Freeman,2015473932

Please take note of the following :

1. Invalid entries are skipped with a message
2. Duplicate entries are skipped

Keyword : Contact , Contacts, contacts db

The reason calls can be viewed in the RAW view but not live view is because a suitable PBX driver has not been installed. To correct the situation, select the correct PBX driver. If a suitable PBX driver is not listed, please view the below FAQ to request for a new driver.

keyword : cannot parse data , parsing incorrectly , parsing failure , raw view
Call Accounting Mate can automatically send all the necessary log files to us. To initiate this, follow the below steps :

1. Log on to Call Accounting Mate and select "Support"
2. Click on "Send Log Files"
3. Key in all the necessary information including your PBX or switch type. It is very important that we have your email address as this
    is the primary way we communicate with you. Please also provide your telephone number as we do call when necessary.
4. If you are requesting for the development of a new keyphone or PBX driver, select "Request for Parser" under the request type.
    This will send just the necessary files for the development of the driver for your switch. If you have been asked to send all the
    data files by our technical department, select "Extended Request for Support". This will send all the data files associated with
    CAM to the support team.

Please make sure that you have an Internet connection on the machine running CAM. You should also receive an automated email within 5 minutes of sending us the automated response. If you do not receive this email, chances are that we have not received your files. Please follow the steps above again to initiate another support email.  
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