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Call Accounting Mate Q&A / Re: Config question, incoming phone numbers.
« on: September 19, 2006, 10:45:13 AM »
You can download a new driver for your Samsung Office Serv 100 through the software.

It is a brand new driver therefore it is not in the general download.

Simply select "Support"  followed by "Update PBX Driver" and select your model.

Call Accounting Mate Q&A / Re: configuration question
« on: September 01, 2006, 02:56:32 PM »
You will either need to purchase 2 copies of Call Accounting Mate (one for each PBX).  Each can act as its own buffer too!  Since the software is web based, you can then connect to either buffer/call accounting software form your desktop dashboard.


You can log the data of both PBXs into one system (but you would still need a buffer for the second site).  This option works only if your extension ranges do not overlap.

You can contact our sales office here:

Our salespeople will be able to determine the best solution for you.

Please provide more specifications on how to access the OAI events.  We may need to work with an Intertel toolkit to accomplish this.  As far as the data itself, we can customize drivers very easily.

Call Accounting Mate Q&A / Re: Export Data from Raw SMDR Data
« on: August 21, 2006, 01:20:30 PM »
The RAW data is available in a file called c:\bill\smdrlog.txt.

Call Accounting Mate Q&A / General concept of collecting CDR
« on: August 17, 2006, 11:16:04 AM »
Two primary methods are used to capture SMDR information:
A data-buffer device is connected to the SMDR port via a serial cable. This buffer may be a standalone box, or a PC. Typically, a buffer box stores SMDR records in battery-packed RAM. A computer-based buffer system usually stores records direct to hard disk. Either method provides some protection from power failures.
"Remote-pollable" buffer devices contain a modem, which is directly connected to a trunk or inside analog line. At regular intervals, the buffer may initiate a call or receive one from a computer at a central location (onsite or offsite), and deliver its load of call data for recording and subsequent analysis.

A standalone computer system running call accounting software is attached directly to the SMDR port. Records are stored to hard disk immediately. Analysis and reporting proceeds from the console, or through workstations attached to the main system over the network.
As call records are captured, the call accounting system decodes them and converts them to database records - usually in a standard format. Further analysis is performed on the converted database. Most systems also preserve the "raw" call record stream for archival purposes.
The SMDR Raw table is a reflection of the data that is being delivered by the telephone system.  That data usually has a number of fields that are excess or different format.  CAM only requires Date, Time, Duration, Source/User/Ext, Digits, Account generate the Cost, Location and call type.  In order for the "Raw" data to be translated into "CAM" database, you will need to make sure the software is using the right "PBX" driver.  The driver interprets and decodes the data into standard fields.

The best thing to do is to send 2 files to


We can then identify your problem and determine if you need an alternate driver.

Call Accounting Mate Q&A / Re: Loading CA mate to another server
« on: August 02, 2006, 03:15:46 PM » charges a fee for moving software from one server to another.

You will need to purchase a transfer license:

Asterisk Integration / Connecting to Asterisk using ODBC (recommended)
« on: August 02, 2006, 03:10:51 PM »
We now recommend connectivity to Asterisk using our ODBC connectivity method.

The process is fully explained in the new CAM Startup and Installation guide found in our download page:

We have developed a new Startup Guide complete with pictures and examples of how to configure CAM for your country and apply rates or tariffs.

You can find the new Startup & Installation Guide in our "Download" section.

You can also download our latest sales brochure.

You are asking for the software to somehow prevent a call from being dialed if the extension reaches a certain budget?   If so, that is not possible.  Call Accounting Mate records transaction logs of calls that are made and assigns a cost.   Preventing calls from being dialed is a function of the telephone system or some kind of CTI application.

RSI offers a CTI application for Nortel Norstar / BCM

You will need to contact your telephone system vendor to determine if it is possible to do metered dialing.

Regions can be imported.  However, it is important to have the right format (i.e .xls, .csv) and in consistent format.   If you email your file to, we will be happy to examine the file and provide import instructions.

Call Accounting Mate Q&A / Re: Repeated Number & Charge
« on: July 05, 2006, 06:52:24 AM »
This may be due to how your Departments/Users is configured.  You should email us your calls.dat file and we will take a look at your configuration.

You may try studying the following link:

Additionally, you can email us at with your latest tariff plan and we will create a template for you to import.

From:  Dave Leibold - view profile

Part of my work in the past the linking of a hotel PBX billing systems
to another system that bills the hotel guests. A hotel PBX can send
extension and called number data to a "call accounting system" which
determines costs of calls and which extensions get billed for these
calls. These costs can be billed to the guest manually, or
automatically to a "property management system" that maintains guest
billings and reservations.

In diagram form, a call accounting setup might look like this:

                    HOBIC data from carrier
+-----------+  SMDR   +-----------------+   i/f   +---------------+
| Hotel PBX | ------> | Call Accounting | <-----> | Hotel Billing |
+-----------+         +-----------------+         +---------------+

SMDR (Station Message Detail Recording?) data is sent from the PBX.
This is usually a typical RS-232 data line that sends extension and
calling data from the PBX (but usually doesn't receive data back).

HOBIC is a special hotel billing feature offered by the telephone
carrier to send data on calls placed from the hotel through the
carrier's long distance service. This data is normally sent regarding
operator-assisted calls, such as person-to-person, card, collect or
other special cases. This allows the hotel to bill for calls placed
through the operator where the charge is not apparent from the dialing
sequence (the operator call could be no charge to the hotel, as in the
case of a card or collect call, or it could be extremely expensive in
the case of a person-to-person call). Some call accounting systems
have a "HOBIC Merge" which combines both the HOBIC data and the SMDR
data so that all types of calls may be billed.

The call accounting unit will handle the rating of calls using data
supplied by rate diskettes or cartridges. If the hotel has a computer
system that bills guests, an optional interface (i/f) link will send
the data necessary to bill the extension, and thus the room and guest.
Such data is sent through a typical serial RS-232 connection.

SMDR data formats change from one type of PBX to another. The i/f
format can also vary, but one format common to most systems sends the
following from the call accounting unit:

001A XYZ 09/21  2345 13:45 0008 $002.45 905-034-2657 L

The 001A is a sequence number than increments with each new call report.

The XYZ is a site identifier that is common to the type of call
accounting system used, or set up according to the hotel name. It
remains constant within a hotel site.

09/21 is the date (21st September)

2345 represents the extension number that was dialed (not necessarily
the room number, as some hotels set up extensions so that rooms below
the 10th floor require a 7 plus the room number).

13:45 is the time of the call

0008 is the duration of the call (8 minutes in this case)

$002.45 is the cost of the call as calculated by the call accounting system

905-034-2657 is the dialed number, and the L following that is a flag
to indicate a local call (long distance usually doesn't have a flag,
except F to indicate an international call, perhaps).

The record is often sent down with a carriage return and/or line feed
ending the record, then the hotel system receiving a call record will
send an acknowledgement such as a control-F to indicate that the call
billing data was received at the other end; if there were errors in
the record data, a "negative acknowledgement" or "nak" is sent
(usually control-U) to order the call accounting system to send the
billing data again. A few systems will even add a checksum character
to improve data integrity. Some systems don't have the ack/nak at
all, meaning billing records could be lost if there are severe
transmission errors or if the property management system side is shut

Systems that rate the calls at the hotel normally lack "answer
supervision" which indicates when the call is answered and billable
under regular long distance conditions. Thus, a hotel call accounting
system will usually take a "guess" as to when the call starts and
bill according to the guessed time on line. If the hook is off for a
few minutes, it's usually a good indication that a call is in
progress. Of course, if one rings a number and waits for 20 rings
without answering, there is a risk of a charge for getting no answer.
On the other hand, charges are missed if the system waits too long
before starting to charge. Offering hotels direct access to answer
supervision would eliminate such inaccuracies.

Dave Leibold
Call Accounting Mate now offers hotel, motels and other hospitality properties a way to post their calls into the popular property managment software from:

RezStream -

and various other systems.   A new module that resizes on your system tray retrieves call detail iinformation from the CAM database and submits it to various PMS packages.

Contact us about new additions.
Asterisk Integration / Re: Extension Report
« on: May 01, 2006, 09:17:35 AM »
This might be a problem with your driver putting spaces at the end of the extensions.  Please email us your c:\bill\blllog.txt file and we will identify your driver and make any necessary correctios.

Call Accounting Mate Q&A / Re: Report with 'Minimum Charge' option
« on: March 28, 2006, 09:43:54 PM »
You can ignore calls under 50 cents using the cost filter within the template.

Call Accounting Mate Q&A / Re: Where is last years data?
« on: March 28, 2006, 09:42:39 PM »
What type of telephone system are you using?

It is highly possible that your CDR data (i.e. Avaya Teleseer) does not include a year.  Therefore, the current year is assumed.  That would mean that calls prior to January would be stamped 2006 as well.

Dear Sir,

I am not sure if you are aware that the "correct" data is not CDR:
 03/22/2006 16:51:19 22/03/06 16:49:35 001001M|01/00/-/---|=3:4401=Ethernet broadcast reception disabled due to excessive traffic − COM1
 03/22/2006 16:51:19 eth0: Something Wicked happened! 18013. − COM1
 03/22/2006 16:49:19 001001M|--/--/-/---|=2:0283=ACCOUNTING. Appli CALLHANDLING : feature incident 0 113 − COM1

This data appears to be switch traffic data.  It does not have any information about digits dialed.  It contains system incident messages.

If you wish to report on these and NOT CDR, we could create a driver for you but it would not give you anything more meaningful than what you see above (date, time, error code).

You are probally outputting the wrong data on the PBX side.  Please consult your vendor on how to activate CDR.

Adding a User(Ext) to multiple departments would cause the system to report duplicate totals.  That is, if an extension is assigned to Department A and Department B, either a rule would have to be established for how to distribute the cost of each call or the calls would be reported for both departments.

Please elaborate on your view of this concept?

Call Accounting Mate Q&A / Re: Date format Changes frequently
« on: March 14, 2006, 11:09:14 AM »
Avaya IP Office can generate data in various ways: to Avaya IP Office Connection.pdf

If you are using the TCP connection, you are most likely receiving data in "Avaya IP Office (Teleseer - Standard).js" format.

This format contains a day and month.  It does not contain a year.  CAM is forced to use the year of the PC for stamping the calls.   If a user inadvertently changes the year on his computer, it could cause an issue with the call record dates.

You will need to make sure the computer date is correct.

Call Accounting Mate is a passive application.  In order to prevent a call from being dialed, you will need to consult your vendor about additional telephone system features.  It is a function of the telephone system itself.  Call Accounting Mate simply logs the call records and produces reporting for them.

It is possible to deliver email notices based on the cost of specific calls.  This is done through our automated task scheduler.

If you need forced account codes, consult our third party partner

Call Accounting Mate Q&A / Helpful links to various "How To"
« on: February 12, 2006, 11:08:23 PM »
Update or retrieve a new PBX driver from our website

Telephone system manufacturers often upgrade their systems and update or change the CDR (Call Detail Records).   We develop new drivers frequently.    We keep a library of these drivers available to you at all times on our website.   You can download the latest driver for your telephone system by following the procedures outlined here: To Install A New Driver From Support Web Site.mht

Import a tariff plan for your location

Call Accounting Mate can be directed to calculate cost and find location information for virtually any region around the world.  You can load the default table for your country as follows: To Load Default Tariff Plan For My Country.mht

A detailed example is available here: To Import Tariff Plan.mht

Create custom reports from Call Accounting Mate

Call Accounting Mate is equipped with a set of built-in reports that can be processed by clicking a few buttons.   The reports have a static style and look to them.  Custom reports can be designed that allow the user to select  sort order, filter and columns. 

A detailed example follows: To Use Custom Report.mht

Create custom online views

Call Accounting Mate allows you to view your data in various pre-defined and flexible formats.  You can create your own custom views in order to more readily access your information.   The more information you provide to the software, the more descriptive the views will be depicted.

A detailed example showing how to enter department/user information and creating custom templates is available here: To Use Online Views.mht

Schedule Automated Tasks

Automated tasks can be created for specific events or recurring reports.   You may want to set specific criteria for a special report to alert you of misuse/abuse or 911 calls.   You may also want certain reports to be run daily, weekly or monthly.   Call Accounting Mate allows you configure these options for email reporting.

A detailed example follows: To Use Task Scheduler.mht

Recover CAM data from a hardware or OS crash

Call Accounting Mate stores all of the call accounting data in calls.dat and all configuration in bill.ini. In an event of a hardware failure or OS crash, you need to recover these 2 files from the old system. CAM can then be installed in a new system and these 2 files copied to the directory of the new PC where CAM is installed.

In the case of calls.dat file being damaged, we have developed a recovery utility. It tries to recover damaged calls.dat file automatically and/or send user data and log files to developers for further analysis and recovery procedures.

The utility is available for download from:

I want to connect to the Call Accounting Mate database from an external query analyzer.

You will need to install an SQLite ODBC driver and make an ODBC Connection.

Various alternate ways of connecting to Avaya IP Office: to Avaya IP Office Connection.pdf

How to set the file name/mask field to accept Avaya IP Office (daily logs):

Helpful ways of setting up user security and departmental views

News from / Documentation and Brochure now available
« on: February 12, 2006, 11:32:23 AM »
Call Accounting Mate now has a new Startup & Installation Guide available online.   This new documentation will answer the most common questions and provide a more detailed explanation of installation.  There is a complete section on "How To" as well.

You can find the new Startup & Installation Guide in our "Download" section.

You can also download our latest sales brochure.

Dear Sir,

Call Accounting Mate is a call tracking solution.  That is, we record the call transaction including date, time, duration, extension and digits dialed.   If you wish to trial the software, you may download it here:

If you are looking to listen in or record the converstations, you will need to look at call recording software.

Call Accounting Mate Q&A / Re: How to enter ftp username & password?
« on: January 27, 2006, 06:48:42 AM »
If you provide a link or copy of the documentation, we can try to assist in connectivity.  Otherwise you may need to consult with your telephone system vendor.
Call Accounting Mate Q&A / Re: How to enter ftp username & password?
« on: January 22, 2006, 11:02:42 PM »
No need to feel like a dummy!  :D

There is not an automated FTP option, however there are external applications that can be automatically executed to accomplish the same thing.

One example is RSI's wftp.exe application.

There are others available on the internet.

You can use our Port|File option to execute an external application, wait for it to finish and translate the retrieved data.   The external application will need to run and terminate.

Call Accounting Mate Q&A / Re: CUT and PASTE Call charge Rates
« on: December 22, 2005, 09:43:55 AM »
The best thing to do is develop a skeleton of all the configuration information and save that skeleton (export) to a template.  Then, you can import the information a series of times. 

You can also drag and drop sections to appropriate sub-sections.

Resource Software International Ltd. (RSI) is a communications management vendor.  They provide high end desktop messaging solutions, communications management, hotel billing and enterprise call accounting solutions to large organizations.

RSI Visual Rapport is a unified messaging system that works with TAPI and Nortel LAN CTE.  This software provides CDR files which Call Accounting Mate can process.  For more information, please contact the vendor

RSI tools CTI Pack is a tool tailored for Nortel BCM and Norstar.  This application provides various functions not available on the standard out of the box systems.  They include toll restriction, forced/verified account code and SMDR (including internal calls).  Their CDR format is very similar to that of the Nortel Norstar however it is slightly different.   Please contact the vendor for further details
Call Accounting Mate can connect to telephone systems using various methods (serial, file, TCP, Telnet, ODBC etc...).

The Mitel ICP series have the ability to send data over a special telnet connection.  You may choose to utilize this form of connectivity in Call Accounting Mate.  You will need to set the following:

Configuration --->  PBX Communication --->  Port

Port = Telnet
Server Name or Address:  (address of your Mitel 3100/3300 ICP or other)
Server Port:   (port of the Mitel 3100/3300 ICP CDR data stream...usually  1752 by default)

You will also need to define the appropriate driver to translate the data.

For more information, contact

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