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Cisco Call Manager Express (CME)/Unified Communication Manager Express/UC500 system should be configured to deliver CDR via a Syslog Server or FTP.  For additional information, download the installation and configuration guide for Cisco Call Manager Express below.

Collection via Syslog Server

You will require an additional utility, WinLINK Data Storage to assist in collection.  A trial of the collection utility can be found below.

Once installed, select the "Cisco Call Manager Express" from the Configure -> Data Source menu.  You may be asked to restart the utility.  Once you have restarted the utility, configure the Configuration -> Telnet or Socket Settings menu with the information below.

IP address: [Enter the IP address of the PC hosting the software]
Port: 514
Protocol: UDP
User Name and Password: [Both are left blank]

Once configured, select the Options -> File Path / Data Storage Mode.  Data Storage Mode should be set to "Save to File" and enter the Send to File path (i.e. c:\bill\cme1.raw).

Collection via FTP

If you have configured your Cisco CME to deliver call records via FTP, you may use either your own FTP server or a trial of WinLINK FTP can be downloaded below.

Configuring Call Accounting Mate with WinLINK for CME

Call Accounting Mate requires a special utility for processing the call record data, WinLINK for WCME.  Download a trial of the WCME utility from our web site below.

Unzip the WCME utility into a separate folder (i.e. c:\bill\WCME).  Launch the wcme.exe utility, enter a profile name (i.e. CME1), and click the Properties button to configure the profile.  Enter the full path & file name for both the source file (collected from your Call Manager Express - i.e. c:\bill\cme1.raw) and the destination file (the output file for WCME - i.e. c:\bill\smdr.raw).

Once WCME has been configured, return to the application and click the Connect button.  WCME will begin processing any collected call data based on the source file.  Once the progress bar is complete, please verify the output file (c:\bill\smdr.raw) has been created.  Once complete, close the WCME utility.  Call Accounting Mate cannot use the utility to process new data when it is open.

You will need to configure your Call Accounting Mate’s PBX Communication settings to call the wcme.exe utility and process the destination file.  Your configuration should be similar to the below.

Port: File
Before Import: Execute Command Line & Wait It’s Complete
Command Line: c:\bill\WCME\wcme.exe CME1
File Mask: c:\bill\smdr.raw
Type:  Schedule
Every: 1 Hour
After Import: Delete
Call Accounting Mate Q&A / How To Configure CAM for....3CX
« Last post by Administrator on April 26, 2012, 01:50:09 PM »
In the CDR Output settings on your 3CX (in the Advance Settings group) specify to Output CDR to Socket.  The CDRTemplate-Socket.xml file in your 3CX’s CDRTemplates folder defines where the CDR is delivered.  Please locate the “CallTemplate" line similar to the below in your CDRTemplate-Socket.xml and make any required changes.

<CallTemplate Host="" Port="33555" OutboundOnly="false">

The value of Host should be changed to the IP address of the PC hosting your Call Accounting Mate.  The value of Port can be changed if desired.

The default 3CX PBX Driver can be downloaded from our web site below.

Save this file into your C:\bill\SMDR folder.  Use the following for your Call Accounting Mate’s PBX Communication settings.

Port: TCP
Port (number): Use the same port programmed on your 3CX, default is 33555
PBX Driver: 3CX (CSV)

Call Accounting Mate can also connect to the 3CX if the "Host" value is left as by selecting "Telnet" as the Port option in the PBX Communication settings and entering the IP address of your 3CX in the field provided.

**Please note: The 3CX driver listed has been configured for the default 3CX CDR template and may need changes based on the programming of your 3CX or configuration of the CDR Template.  For any change requests, please email a sample of your captured CDR data to our support team at**
Avaya (Nortel) Norstar

An SMDR6 device is required for SMDR generation and delivery over a serial (RS-232) connection.  The PC hosting Call Accounting Mate must have a serial COM port available that can be used for data collection.  To program the SMDR6, press Feature 9 * 2 on your handset to enter the administrative options.  The SMDR6 must be programmed to deliver call data in English and we recommend using the "Norstar" data format.

Call Accounting Mate should be configured to capture call data from the COM port your SMDR6 is connected to using the same baud rate you had programmed into your SMDR6.  The Nortel Norstar Series General Driver should be selected from the PBX Driver drop down.  Section 4.2 of the Startup & Installation Guide below provides a further outline of how to configure CAM to capture call data from a COM port.

Avaya (Nortel) BCM

The BCM should be configured to deliver CDR via "CDR Pull".  There is an additional utility, Winlink for BCM, required to pull CDR from your BCM.  A trial of the Winlink for BCM software can be downloaded below.

An addition configuration document that outlines the setup of Winlink for BCM can be found at the below link.

We recommend your BCM be programmed to generate new CDR in Norstar format.  Call Accounting Mate's PBX Communication settings should be configured to process the destination file specified in the WinLINK for BCM's settings.  Below are sample settings of CAM's PBX Communication options for processing the external file.

Before Import=No Action
File Mask=c:\bill\bcmp\cdr.txt
Every=1 Hour
After Import=Delete
PBX Driver=Nortel Norstar Series General Driver

**Please note: The Nortel Norstar Series General Driver contains an additional "Date Format" option under the Properties tab in CAM's PBX Communication screen.  You will need to select the date format that matches your CDR.  After selecting the Nortel Norstar Series General Driver, if the Properties tab does not display the "Date Format" option please contact us at**
Call Accounting Mate Q&A / How To Configure CAM for....Avaya IP Office
« Last post by Administrator on November 25, 2011, 04:44:50 PM »
Avaya IP Office v4.2 or later

Although several call data delivery options are available for Avaya IP Office, we typically recommend delivering the SMDR to the PC hosting your Call Accounting Mate via TCP/IP.  Your Avaya's SMDR settings will allow you to specify the IP addres of the PC hosting your Call Accounting Mate and the IP Port to use for delivery.  Please disable the traditional CDR formats.  Call Accounting Mate's PBX Communication settings should be configured to collect data from a TCP port.  Below are sample settings to use for processing.

Port=Enter the same number as the IP Port settings on your IP Office
PBX Driver=Avaya (IP Office)

Avaya IP Office prior to v4.2

Configuration should be similar to the above, however the IP Office SMDR format will not be available.  Instead, please select one of the traditional CDR formats (typically Unformatted or Expanded formats will provide the best data).  For your CAM's PBX Driver, please select either the "Avaya (Unformatted)" or "Avaya (Expanded Format)" driver depending on your select for CDR format on your IP Office.

Avaya IP Office prior to v3.1

Configuration should be similar to the above, however your CDR settings will need to be configured on your Delta Server.  IP Office v3.1 do not require the Delta Server to deliver SMDR/CDR data.
Please download the following documentation regarding integrating Call Accounting Mate with your Cisco Call Manager/Unified Communication Manager.

Cisco Call Manager 3.x/4.x

The Cisco Call Manager 3.x/4.x utilizes an SQL database to store call detail records on the Cisco Server.  An additional tool, WinLINK Remote CCM, will be required to retrieve this data using an ODBC connection and SQL query.  Please contact our support team to request a trial download of this tool at

Call Accounting Mate's PBX Communication settings should be configured to process an external file.  Below are sample settings to use for processing.

Before Import=Execute Command Line & Wait It's Complete
Command Line=c:\bill\wccm\wccm.exe CCM1
File Mask=c:\bill\wccm\outdata.txt
Every=1 Hour
After Import=Delete

Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.x or later

The Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.x and later can be configured to deliver its CDR records to an FTP Server.  You can utilize either your own FTP server or the an additional WinLINK FTP Server module.  Please contact our support team to request a trial download of the WinLINK FTP Server at

Call Accounting Mate's PBX Communication settings should be configured to process an external file.  Below are sample settings to use for processing.

Before Import=No Action
File Mask=c:\bill\wftp\cdr*
Every=1 Hour
After Import=Delete

I'm trying to export some data using the department - Detailed Report (Flexible) option from  Call Accounting Mate V2.6.1.98 . The problem is that the excel format for the export file is greyed out and can't be checked.

Is there a way to activate this option for this report?

thank you

News from / IP Office. SwitchVox, eOn Support
« Last post by Administrator on November 04, 2010, 09:48:10 AM »
Call Accounting Mate now supports IP Office 6.0,  SwitchVox and eOn.
From:  Dave Leibold - view profile

Part of my work in the past the linking of a hotel PBX billing systems
to another system that bills the hotel guests. A hotel PBX can send
extension and called number data to a "call accounting system" which
determines costs of calls and which extensions get billed for these
calls. These costs can be billed to the guest manually, or
automatically to a "property management system" that maintains guest
billings and reservations.

In diagram form, a call accounting setup might look like this:

                    HOBIC data from carrier
+-----------+  SMDR   +-----------------+   i/f   +---------------+
| Hotel PBX | ------> | Call Accounting | <-----> | Hotel Billing |
+-----------+         +-----------------+         +---------------+

SMDR (Station Message Detail Recording?) data is sent from the PBX.
This is usually a typical RS-232 data line that sends extension and
calling data from the PBX (but usually doesn't receive data back).

HOBIC is a special hotel billing feature offered by the telephone
carrier to send data on calls placed from the hotel through the
carrier's long distance service. This data is normally sent regarding
operator-assisted calls, such as person-to-person, card, collect or
other special cases. This allows the hotel to bill for calls placed
through the operator where the charge is not apparent from the dialing
sequence (the operator call could be no charge to the hotel, as in the
case of a card or collect call, or it could be extremely expensive in
the case of a person-to-person call). Some call accounting systems
have a "HOBIC Merge" which combines both the HOBIC data and the SMDR
data so that all types of calls may be billed.

The call accounting unit will handle the rating of calls using data
supplied by rate diskettes or cartridges. If the hotel has a computer
system that bills guests, an optional interface (i/f) link will send
the data necessary to bill the extension, and thus the room and guest.
Such data is sent through a typical serial RS-232 connection.

SMDR data formats change from one type of PBX to another. The i/f
format can also vary, but one format common to most systems sends the
following from the call accounting unit:

001A XYZ 09/21  2345 13:45 0008 $002.45 905-034-2657 L

The 001A is a sequence number than increments with each new call report.

The XYZ is a site identifier that is common to the type of call
accounting system used, or set up according to the hotel name. It
remains constant within a hotel site.

09/21 is the date (21st September)

2345 represents the extension number that was dialed (not necessarily
the room number, as some hotels set up extensions so that rooms below
the 10th floor require a 7 plus the room number).

13:45 is the time of the call

0008 is the duration of the call (8 minutes in this case)

$002.45 is the cost of the call as calculated by the call accounting system

905-034-2657 is the dialed number, and the L following that is a flag
to indicate a local call (long distance usually doesn't have a flag,
except F to indicate an international call, perhaps).

The record is often sent down with a carriage return and/or line feed
ending the record, then the hotel system receiving a call record will
send an acknowledgement such as a control-F to indicate that the call
billing data was received at the other end; if there were errors in
the record data, a "negative acknowledgement" or "nak" is sent
(usually control-U) to order the call accounting system to send the
billing data again. A few systems will even add a checksum character
to improve data integrity. Some systems don't have the ack/nak at
all, meaning billing records could be lost if there are severe
transmission errors or if the property management system side is shut

Systems that rate the calls at the hotel normally lack "answer
supervision" which indicates when the call is answered and billable
under regular long distance conditions. Thus, a hotel call accounting
system will usually take a "guess" as to when the call starts and
bill according to the guessed time on line. If the hook is off for a
few minutes, it's usually a good indication that a call is in
progress. Of course, if one rings a number and waits for 20 rings
without answering,ugg schuhe there is a risk of a charge for getting no answer.
On the other hand, charges are missed if the system waits too long
before starting to charge. Offering hotels direct access to answer
supervision would eliminate such inaccuracies.

Dave Leibold

Thanks for explame.
Starting with version 0.6 (released 30 Aug 2005), Asterisk-MySQL driver allows to be configured to take billable extension from various sources and determine call direction from channels used to make the call.

Common steps
To configure driver properties following steps are necessary:
- open Configuration/PBX Communication page
- activate Driver tab
- select Asterisk-MySQL in the PBX Driver field
- check that there is Version 0.6 in the driver comments (in case it's not please download and install the latest version of the driver from our support site)
- activate Properties tab to get access to the driver properties

Configuring billable extension source
- to configure source of the billable extension 'Take billable extension from' field is used
- this field has 4 options:
  • Call Source - driver uses 'src' and 'dst' fields to fill user extension for outgoing and incoming calls
  • Channel - driver parses 'channel' and 'dstchannel' fields to extract user extension from there
  • Account Code - driver uses 'accountcode' field to fill user extension
  • Account/Source - driver uses 'accountcode' field to fill user extension. In case the 'accountcode' field is empty driver uses 'src' and 'dst' fields for this purpose

Configuring call direction
Driver determines call direction by examining the 'channel' and 'dstchannel' fields (this requires to setup which channels are connected to the PSTN, otherwise known as COs or Trunks in other PBXs). Knowing of what channel is connected to PSTN the driver decides of what is the call direction depending of whether PSTN appears in 'channel' or 'dstchannel' field. Thus before using the driver you need to list all channels connected to PSTN.

Driver uses a partial match when searching the channel names, i.e. it compares all symbols of the defined channel name against captured string from the string first symbol to the defined name length and ignores rest of the captured string, thus Zap/1-  will match Zap/1-1, Zap/1-2 etc. Trailing dash in the channel name pattern is necessary to avoid situations like when Zap/1 will match both Zap/1-1 and Zap/11-1. Exact pattern for channel names depends on the way your Asterisk reports the channels.

There are 2 options (2 places) to list these channels:
- CO/Trunk lines lookup table
- Driver settings on the Properties tab
Both options are equal and it's question of convenience which one you will choose (e.g. if you already have CO/Trunk lookup table filled you may prefer the 1st option).

Using CO/Trunk lines lookup table
- use Settings/Line Numbers page to fill and manage list of channels connected to PSTN
- in the driver settings (Configuration/PBX Communication Properties tab) select 'CO/Trunk table' in the Take PSTNs from' field
- every time you change something on the Settings/Line Numbers page you will have to reload the driver by opening Configuration/PBX Communication page and clicking the Save button there

Using the driver settings
- use Configuration/PBX Communication Properties tab to manage list of channels connected to PSTN
- select 'Driver Settings' in the Take PSTNs from' field, this enables PSTNs section at the bottom of the tab
- enter channel name in the New PSTN field in the section and press '>>' button to add the channel to the list; alternatively you may use <Ctrl>+<Enter> keys to add the channel
- select group of channels in the list using mouse and <Ctrl> and <Shift> keys and press '<<' button to remove channel names from the list
- after editing the list press Save button on the page to save the settings***censored*** günstig

How can i configure reports so that it give me the costing for a given extension for a given period of time?
Call Accounting Mate Q&A / Re: Memory Utilization
« Last post by tboggs13 on October 07, 2010, 03:27:44 PM »
So it seems that CAM does not use very many system resources. This is good if you are using it on a workstation. However, if you are using it on a dedicated server and need to run large reports or process a large amount of data, it makes it very slow. I am currently importing some old smdr logs to rebuild data. It is processing about 140 calls a minute. You would think that this would be an intensive proces. But as I watch in task manager, Bill.exe only uses about 2-5% of the CPU and has only consumed 82mb of memory. I can only imagine if it would use more processor that data would get processed more quickly.
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