Call Accounting Mate Q&A / Re: CA Mate Genarating Reports Very Slow
« Last post by tboggs13 on October 05, 2010, 08:01:57 PM »No this product is not dead. We have been working on a new release to this product for the past year. We expect it to be available in the new year!
So, another year and no major upgrade. Last bug fix released per your Version History was 11/2009, which actually occurred before your quote. I realize you still have a couple of months to produce the new version, but I won't get my hopes up since I have been waiting for 4 years for a major overhaul of the software. As you can see in this thread, you have been promising that major new version every year for the past four years and have not delivered.
That is pretty much why you lost me as a customer.