Two primary methods are used to capture SMDR information:
A data-buffer device is connected to the SMDR port via a serial cable. This buffer may be a standalone box, or a PC. Typically, a buffer box stores SMDR records in battery-packed RAM. A computer-based buffer system usually stores records direct to hard disk. Either method provides some protection from power failures.
"Remote-pollable" buffer devices contain a modem, which is directly connected to a trunk or inside analog line. At regular intervals, the buffer may initiate a call or receive one from a computer at a central location (onsite or offsite), and deliver its load of call data for recording and subsequent analysis.
A standalone computer system running call accounting software is attached directly to the SMDR port. Records are stored to hard disk immediately. Analysis and reporting proceeds from the console, or through workstations attached to the main system over the network.
As call records are captured, the call accounting system decodes them and converts them to database records - usually in a standard format. Further analysis is performed on the converted database. Most systems also preserve the "raw" call record stream for archival purposes.