Author Topic: Null Character in SMDR  (Read 7129 times)


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Null Character in SMDR
« on: May 02, 2009, 04:11:08 PM »
I have verified that my COM settings are correct and can view the live CDR/SMDR output in Hyperterminal and another program that streams the serial port (Vandyke SecureCRT).  If I look at the raw logs, the 22nd character in every line has a null byte (hex: 0x000).  See below - I have replaced the null character with (NUL) since I couldn't paste it in here:
Code: [Select]
N 071 00 DN23xx  T010(NUL)022             05/02 12:22 00:02:10 A 98900739xxxxxxx
A 072 00 DN23xx  T010(NUL)022             05/02 12:24 xxxxxxx
N 084 00 DN23xx  T010(NUL)047 05/02 12:44 00:00:48 A 98900xxxxxxx
N 085 00 DN31xx  T010(NUL)021             05/02 12:44 00:03:24 A 98900xxxxxxx
N 086 00 DN79xx  T010(NUL)047             05/02 12:48 00:00:24 A 98900xxxxxxx

This is causing the parser to think that the line ends at character 22 instead of the actual end of line.  See excerpt from billlog.txt below:
Code: [Select]
05/02/09 12:23:44 Call parsing failed for call below:
05/02/09 12:23:44
05/02/09 12:23:44 A 072 00 DN23xx  T010
05/02/09 12:46:52 N 085 00 DN31xx  T010
05/02/09 12:48:06 Call parsing failed for call below:
05/02/09 12:48:06
05/02/09 12:48:06 N 086 00 DN79xx  T010
05/02/09 12:49:04 Data processing engine has been stopped.

On my previous call accounting program, the engine that listened on the COM port could be configured to eliminate any non-printable characters (like the nul it received) by allowing ascii decimal values between 32-126.  Is there something that can be done in here as well to eliminate the null so it can parse correctly?