Author Topic: Explaination of Configuration --> Common Settings  (Read 23728 times)


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Explaination of Configuration --> Common Settings
« on: January 15, 2005, 03:16:04 AM »
This page contains all the common parameters that need to be set up for CAM to work correctly. Each parameter is explained in detail below :

Under Type Tab
1. Row number per page for online views - This option lets you specify the number of rows of data you want to view per page and is used only for onscreen views.

2. Date format - Specify if you want to view dates in the mm/dd/yy format or dd/mm/yy format. This parameter is applicable to all onscreen views and reports.

3. Time format - Specify if you want to view the dates in 24 hour format or AM/PM format. This parameter is applicable to all onscreen views and reports.

4. Display seconds in time - Sometimes it is useful to display the duration of the call / the time the call was made in seconds. If you need this feature, you can turn it on. But most times, we recommend that you leave this feature off as most commercial applications of CAM do not need to track upto seconds.

5. Compress PDF reports - When generating large reports in pdf format, the file may take some time to load. CAM has a built in feature to compress PDF files before sending it over the network to conserve bandwidth. By default this option is turned on. If you have older versions of pdf reader which do not support compressed pdf files, either upgrade to a later version or turn off this feature in CAM.

Startup Tab
This tab is used to specify under what context the system runs.

1. Run at system strartup - If you want to run the CAM server when the system is restarted or booted, check on this option. If you check this option, you also need to specify the context or the startup account that will be used to run the CAM server. Note that CAM does not run as a Windows service even if you check this box. Depending on the option selected under startup account, that user needs to be logged on to Windows for CAM to start.

2. If you want to make CAM a Windows service, please read the following FAQ

3. Startup account - Specify the user context that the CAM server should run under. In most cases, leave it to all users so the system starts when any user logs on.

4. Automatically run browser - If this checkbox is ticked, after CAM server starts, it will automatically start the browser session on the machine CAM is running with the login screen. If you want CAM server to run but do not want the browser screen to be opened automatically, uncheck this option and access the CAM login screen by double clicking on the telephone icon on the taskbar to open the browser.

This feature is not activated at the moment. These parameters may be used in the future so no changes are required here.

This tab is used primarily to enable auto backup of the CAM configuration files and calls database periodically.

1. Autobackup Enabled - Check this box to enable or auto backup.

2. Backup Period - The parameter here is defined in days. This is the frequency of the backup. For example if you specify 2 days, the entire database of CAM will be backed up every 2 days.

3. Backup Folder - This is the location where periodic backups are to be stored. Each backup is stored as a  single proprietary file. You can restore this file using the Maintenance --> Restore Database function. You can also view a list of all the backups made so far by the system using this function.

Local Tab
This tab is used to change the currency and the position of the currency as displayed on screen and reports.

1. Currency Symbol - Enter the currency symbol used in your country. By default this is the dollar sign ($).

2. Currency Symbol Position - Specifies where you want the symbol to be displayed eg. $100 or 100$.

Charge Tab

1. Call Surcharge - If a value is entered here, each call cost calculated by the system is increased by this % as a call surcharge. This
feature is used mainly by IDD telephone booths. By detault it is set to 0%.

« Last Edit: January 16, 2005, 02:11:01 AM by Administrator »