This screen allows the following functions to be defined :
1. Departments within the company
2. Extension User - Each telephone user within the company and the department the user belongs to.
3. Which security accounts (i.e CAM users) have access to data for which departments.
Each of the functions are explained below :
Call Accounting Mate allows the various departments and the telephone users who belong to those departments. This information in turn can be used to print summary reports for each department. For example, if you have a sales department, you may at the end of the month want to print the number of calls the department made and received. This can be further broken down to details of the number of calls each telephone user made/received within the sales department.
Extension User
Each telephone user that you want to track would be defined. Users cannot exist outside a department and therefore it is necessary to create departments before entering any user information. Each user field is explained below :
A. User Name
This is the name of the extension user. This name is used in the reports each time the extension number making the call matches.
B. Extension
This is the user's telephone extension number.
C. Alternate extension
In some cases, the telephone equipment may report a different extension from what was actually used to dial. This can happen on certain telephone systems when extension numbers have been changed (due to shifting, relocation, mapping, etc) but the PBX still reports the old extension number in the smdr output. In those cases, you can key in the old extension number in this field. By default, the alternate extension number is always the same as the extension no.
D. Account Code
Instead of extension numbers, account code may used in some offices to identify the user making the call. This can happen when users are allowed to make calls from any extension but costs still need to be allocated to specific users. In this case, the PBX allows the account code to be entered on the extension before a call can be placed. Each user uses his own account code to make calls.
In some offices account code is used not to identify the user making the call but the party being called. Some trades like lawyers may charge for the time spent on a client case and before making any calls to/for that client, they would key in the account code assigned to that client. This in turn is captured by CAM which can then be used for reporting the amount of time spent for that client. If you do not use account code in your industry, leave this field blank.
.... to be continued ....