Call Accounting Mate V and above have a feature to allow external text files to be imported into the built in departments and users tables. This way, it is possible to import large number of users/departments without having to key them in.
The format of the text file is as follows:
FieldName1,FieldName2, ... ,FieldNameN
data11,data12, ... ,data1N
dataM1,dataM2, ... ,dataMN
The file is ASCII file, containing data records, each record is placed on separate line. Comma is default data delimiter. In case you use other delimiter of data values you must specify it in Value Delimiter field on import form of Settings/Departments/Users page while importing users data. Data values, containing delimiters (e.g. comma or semicolon) inside them, must be quoted strings. Very first line of the file must contain list of fileld names to be imported. Field names, containing delimiters (e.g. comma or semicolon) inside them, also must be quoted strings.
Below is list of valid field names:
- "Department" or "Dept" denotes department name
- "User" or "Name" denotes user name
- "Ext" or "Extension" or "Station" denotes user extension
- "Code" or "Password" or "Account Code" denotes account code
Code is optional field, it can be omitted both in fields list and in some of data rows.
An example of the import file:
User, Ext, Department, Code
"Huygens, Christian", 119, 01 - Business Development Unit, 8001
"Boyle, Robert", 107, 01 - Business Development Unit, 1221
"Oresme, Nicolas", 105, 03 - Head Office, 6311
"Hooke, Robert", 124, 03 - Head Office, 9673
"Snell, Willebrord", 102, 03 - Head Office, 2231
"Gilbert, William", 128, 03 - Head Office, 4221
"Franklin, Benjamin", 130, 04 - Customer Service
"Torricelli, Evangelista", 131, 04 - Customer Service
"Watt, James", 144, 04 - Customer Service
"Le Rond, Jean", 139, 04 - Customer Service
"Euler, Leonard", 151, 04 - Customer Service
Please take note of the following:
1. Invalid entries are skipped with a message
2. Duplicate entries are skipped