Author Topic: How To Configure CAM for....Cisco Call Manager Express (CME/UCME/UC500)  (Read 19724 times)


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Cisco Call Manager Express (CME)/Unified Communication Manager Express/UC500 system should be configured to deliver CDR via a Syslog Server or FTP.  For additional information, download the installation and configuration guide for Cisco Call Manager Express below.

Collection via Syslog Server

You will require an additional utility, WinLINK Data Storage to assist in collection.  A trial of the collection utility can be found below.

Once installed, select the "Cisco Call Manager Express" from the Configure -> Data Source menu.  You may be asked to restart the utility.  Once you have restarted the utility, configure the Configuration -> Telnet or Socket Settings menu with the information below.

IP address: [Enter the IP address of the PC hosting the software]
Port: 514
Protocol: UDP
User Name and Password: [Both are left blank]

Once configured, select the Options -> File Path / Data Storage Mode.  Data Storage Mode should be set to "Save to File" and enter the Send to File path (i.e. c:\bill\cme1.raw).

Collection via FTP

If you have configured your Cisco CME to deliver call records via FTP, you may use either your own FTP server or a trial of WinLINK FTP can be downloaded below.

Configuring Call Accounting Mate with WinLINK for CME

Call Accounting Mate requires a special utility for processing the call record data, WinLINK for WCME.  Download a trial of the WCME utility from our web site below.

Unzip the WCME utility into a separate folder (i.e. c:\bill\WCME).  Launch the wcme.exe utility, enter a profile name (i.e. CME1), and click the Properties button to configure the profile.  Enter the full path & file name for both the source file (collected from your Call Manager Express - i.e. c:\bill\cme1.raw) and the destination file (the output file for WCME - i.e. c:\bill\smdr.raw).

Once WCME has been configured, return to the application and click the Connect button.  WCME will begin processing any collected call data based on the source file.  Once the progress bar is complete, please verify the output file (c:\bill\smdr.raw) has been created.  Once complete, close the WCME utility.  Call Accounting Mate cannot use the utility to process new data when it is open.

You will need to configure your Call Accounting Mate’s PBX Communication settings to call the wcme.exe utility and process the destination file.  Your configuration should be similar to the below.

Port: File
Before Import: Execute Command Line & Wait It’s Complete
Command Line: c:\bill\WCME\wcme.exe CME1
File Mask: c:\bill\smdr.raw
Type:  Schedule
Every: 1 Hour
After Import: Delete
« Last Edit: April 26, 2012, 02:30:28 PM by Administrator »