Author Topic: Controlling the Task Scheduler in Call Accounting Mate  (Read 21465 times)


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Controlling the Task Scheduler in Call Accounting Mate
« on: June 30, 2005, 07:01:57 AM »
The new version of the task scheduler available in CAM onwards allows to check current task status and specify what to do in case of unsuccessful task completion. To access these properties please do the steps below:

1. Open Administration/Task Scheduler page
2. Use 1st plus sign of a task to expand the extended task properties
3. On the expanded pane there are following fields:

     Schedule (informational) - used to display the task schedule
     Maximum No. of Tries (control) -  use this field to specify maximum number the system should try to run the task in case
                                                             of the task failure.

In case of number of tries made exceeds the value specified in this field system schedules the task according to the task regular schedule as follows :

    Wait Before Retrying (min) (control) - use this field to specify the minimum amount of time in minutes system should wait
                                                                  before running the task next time in case of the task failure
    Tries Made (informational) - used to display number of tries made by the system while running the task (this field contains 1 in
                                                    case of last successful task run)
    Last Error Code (informational) - used to display error code of last task run, this field contains 0 in case of successful task completion
    Last Error Description (informational) - used to display error message, if any, for last task run
    Date/Time of Last Run (informational) - used to display date and time when the task was run last time
    Date/Time of Next Run (informational) - used to display date and time when the task is scheduled to run next time
    Current Status (informational) - used to display current status of the task (Queued - the task is scheduled according to the
                                                          regular schedule     
    Processing - last run failed and the task is scheduled according to the Wait Before Retrying field, Disabled - the task is disabled)

Please Note
For systems with high telephone traffic it is recommended to set the Maximum Number of Tries to 3 and above and the Wait Before Retrying between 1 and 5 min to guarantee that low priority task processing will not be blocked finally by high priority calls parsing operation
« Last Edit: July 12, 2005, 03:52:56 AM by Administrator »