Author Topic: User defined classification of the calls  (Read 11591 times)


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User defined classification of the calls
« on: July 27, 2005, 04:12:14 AM »
Information in this document is applicable to Call Accounting Mate version and above.

User defined classification of the calls refers to the ability for a certain system user to mark groups of calls as belonging to some category (class). The category is to be used for reports and online views filtering as well as displayed in the reports and views.

Sample scenario
An example is when users need to classify their calls as Business and Personal and the accounts department uses this information for accounting and charging purpose. In some cases this call classification can't be done automatically and it's user responsibility to mark a call as either Business or Personal.

User responsibilities
In general case two types of users are involved in the process: users and administrators.

Administrator's responsibilities:
1. Define call categories
2. Setup users permissions to view and classify calls
3. Define report template for users to be able to view call categories and remarks in the reports and views

User's responsibilities:
1. Assigning categories to the calls and entering worthwhile remarks, i.e. classifying the calls
2. Generating reports

Let's consider every of the above tasks in details.

Define calls categories
- log in as administrator
- open Settings/Calls Categories page
- use Add & Delete buttons to manage categories list

Setup user permissions
- log in as administrator
- open Settings/Departments/Users page
- expand a department
- mark an extension in the extensions list under the department
- press Security button to invoke View/mark permissions dialog
- use controls on the dialog to grant view/mark permissions for the calls belonging to the selected extension
- note that extension inherits granted accounts from the department, which it belongs to
- in case you need to grant permissions for some account for the whole department you may do it at the department level
- in case you need to revoke view/mark permissions from some account you need to remove it from both department granted accounts list and from the extension granted accounts list

Define report template for viewing/marking call category
1. By default system is shipped with Call Categories report template
2. Use this template to generate reports and views related to a call category
3. Use this template to inherit from it your own report templates related to a call category (hint: to inherit a new template from the existing one use Copy button on the Template tab of the Template Editor dialog window)
4. To define the view template please from the predefined Operative template do the below steps:
  - Open Views/List/::Calls Classifier:: page
  - Select Operative template in Report Template field  on the page (located in the Template section on top of the page)
  - Use […] button to open template editor
  - Activate Template tab
  - Press Copy button on the tab to make copy of the Operative template
  - Change the name of the template from Operative (copy N) to Calls Categories
  - Mark Put into view list checkbox
  - Press Update button to save the changes made
  - Activate Filter tab and set up filtering for template (on this step you'll enable filtering by a category)
  - Press Add button and select Category in the combobox located in the first (Type) column
  - Use […] button to define region filter element default value
  - Mark checkbox in ? column to allow user to override default value later
  - Press Save button to save filter element into system
  - Activate the Columns tab to define columns for template (on this step you'll add 2 columns displaying category name and user defined remarks)
  - Press Add button and select Category in the combobox located in the first (Column) column
  - Press Save button to add the column
  - Press Add button and select Remarks in the combobox located in the first (Column) column
  - Press Save button to add the column

Assigning categories to the calls
- log in using any available account that is permitted to view/mark a certain group of calls
- open View/List/::Calls Classifier::  page
- select in the Report Template field the Call Categories template created on the previous step and press Apply button to apply the template to the view
- assuming that permissions are set up correctly for your account and the template filtering is ok, you should now view list of calls belonging to the extensions, your account granted to view and mark
- use check boxes in the very first column or icons in the first header column to mark group of calls
- after the group is marked press Classify button on page's bottom toolbar
- the Classify button opens classify form just above the main page's toolbar
- on the form there are Category combobox with all the categories defined on Settings/Calls Categories page listed in it, Remark edit box and 2 buttons: Apply and Cancel
- user should select a category from the Category combobox, optionally enter a remark in the Remark field and press the Apply button to assign all the marked calls the selected Category and the Remark, if any specified
- Cancel button just closes the form

- by default system is shipped with Call Categories report template
- use this template to generate reports and views related to a call category
- use this template to inherit from it your own report templates related to a call category (hint: to inherit a new template from the existing one use Copy button on the Template tab of the Template Editor dialog window)
- every online view supports filtering by and displaying call category and user-defined remarks when appropriate report template is applied
- Reports/List/Custom Reports/::Custom Report Builder (Enhanced):: can be used with the call category related templates to generate reports in PDF and Excel formats
- Reports/List/Custom Reports/::Call Category:: can be used to generate reports grouped by a call category in PDF and Excel formats
« Last Edit: July 27, 2005, 04:14:20 AM by sergey »