Here are instructions in detail:
If have not already done so, please order your software from the following link: the software by following the online instructions.
You will have up to 14 days to unlock and register your software. Failure to unlock and register your software will cause the software to stop functioning after the 14 day grace period.
To unlock and register your software, simply log into Call Accounting Mate using the following default information.
User Name: Administrator
Password: null
1. From the Web menu, Select Register
(or Update License if you are purchasing an upgrade to a larger system)
2. Fill out the Registration form.
a) Enter your full Company Name.
b) Enter the Number of users you purchased (i.e. 25, 50,100,250).
If you purchased the unlimited version please enter 10000 users.
Please select the right size. It must match the size we have on file or the
License Key will fail.
c) Click the "Generate" button.
A unique Private Key will be generated.
Please cut and paste the Private Key (or manually type the key)
into an email to our support team at:
Product Activation and Registration:
support@callaccounting.wsIn order to facilitate a rapid activation process, be sure to include your name, contact information, company name, product size and the Private Key.
3. Our technical support team will generate a unique License Key for you to enter into the License Key field. We will email you the key. Copy this information into the License Key field and click OK!
4. You are done. Enjoy Call Accounting Mate!